Monday, July 13, 2009

Racists Uncovered page1

We Laugh in their faces, as they quickly replace us

and even mace us! Water Hoses and dogs have turned to lies and fraud, they inslaved us is all, and treated us really wrong, I'll fight til the death for my respect best bet, No whippings nor lynchings for the tide has turned, Never in a million years would I've thought I'd see our turn. Thank You.

My letter to Bill O'Riley; I was flipping threw the channels and I saw Al Sharpten on your show, so I watched for the time he was on. I am not a supporter of you or your views. When I put you, rush and sen. dick together I see three racists that are trying to cover up who they really are. Michael Jackson's Iconic status comes from all his humanitarian efforts. Which is another record he holds. You guys just seem to have it out for Obama since he won. Pretty much everyone you have on your show are racists and agree with you on everything. I just wish you guys were Men, and could say you're racists. I can respect that, because I know where we stand. Rush is the closest one to being that guy. I can almost respect him, because I know he doesn't like anyone outside his race. If the rest of you come on up to speed we can have a race war and settle our differences. Be very careful how you report on MJ, it may ruin you. He has way more supporters then you. Thanks for your time, and see if you and the good ol' boys can catch up to rush so we can get this racist mess out of the way. I don't hate anyone, but I HATE YOU BILL! Wanda Sykes was joking, but she hit everything right on the nose and that ruffled some feathers. She just said what everyone was thinking, and if it was funny the President can laugh without it hurting him. You've been pitching that statement since that day. You're very unfair and I know you don't care, just thought I'd let you know. THE Presley thing really ate you up I know, Elvis too. Michael Jackson was on someones list to be ruined, and it was evident. It's funny when Michael called Tommy Mitolla a racist on t.v. that's when all these fake molestation cases came about. I believe he was to be ruined and thrown in jail, which would have killed him and they know that. They took the thing he cared about the most and turned it against him, and made him out of a Monster. You have a show that only talks about what you want. What about the Ludicrise thing? You thought you were going to ruin him, that didn't work either. I'm just saying if were always going to be on different sides of these story's, you on the white side and me on the Black side why don't we just say we Hate each other and let everyone knock heads. You don't want that either, but you want to use your show to down my race and lie with false reports that everyone See's threw. You're the Devil himself.