Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gay is not the new Black

This is a womans post who thinks she has it all figured out!
Sorry, I disagree. Speaking as a bisexual woman who has been married to a woman for 14 years and now a man for 2, I can speak from experience that gay is definitely the new black. Catchiness of the phrase aside, the GLBT community has experienced the same discrimination, violence, vilification, and rejection by society as the black population, and is at the same pivotal point as the African-American community was 40 years ago. I'll even venture to say that "obese is the new gay", because I believe in another 10-20 years, we'll be ashamed of how we treat them now. My point is that all of these groups have been or are judged by characteristics that have absolutely no bearing on a person's character or worth. The parallels are irrefutable.She couldn't be more wrong!