Reporting on all the Top Stories with Integrity and Fairness,with a little bit of fun added. So Enjoy, follow me jbrntwn1@twitter if you like what we're doing.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
8 Week Begginers Workout.

This is an eight week program that is designed for beginning runners. The design of this program assumes that you are a healthy individual with no medical or physical conditions that would limit your participation in an exercise program. You should consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
8 Week training schedule
This 8-week beginners program is designed for individuals with little or no background in running. The workout starts out with only walking and gradually advances to walk/run workouts and finally to all running. If you feel you are a bit more advanced and would like to start with some running right away, choose your appropriate point in the program to start. Just remember not to start out too quickly.
If you have not exercised before, are over 40 years of age or have any injury or medical condition, you must get clearance from your doctor before beginning this program.
The Workouts
This program contains rest days, walking and easy runs. This is a very basic training program and is intended only to increase your fitness level to the point at which you can run 2 miles without stopping. Do not worry about speed. After you complete this program, you can move on to more advanced programs that will further improve your speed and endurance.
You will monitor and adjust the intensity of these workouts using the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale. This is a scale that rates your workouts by how you feel. The ratings range from 1 (very light), such as sitting and watching TV, to 10(maximal effort), which is like running as fast as you possibly can.
Easy Runs
Easy runs should be run at a pace that feels comfortable to fairly comfortable, or a rating of 3 to 4 on the RPE scale. You should be breathing hard, but should be able to carry on a conversation. If you are breathing so hard that you cannot talk, you are running too hard. If you can sing, you are running too easily.
Warm up before each workout. Your warm up should consist of about 10 minutes of easy walking. After your workout, gently stretch all of your major muscle groups. Do not stretch until your muscles are warmed up.
Rest is a very important part of any training program. Without proper rest, your muscles and connective tissues will not have an opportunity to recover and strengthen properly. On the days calling for complete rest, do no strenuous activity. On the days calling for rest or cross training, you can rest totally or do some cross training. Cross training can be any activity other than running. You could go for a walk, swim, bicycle or do nothing. It is up to you.
Week 1
Monday - Rest. You will have two rest days per week. If you feel you need more rest days, take them. In these early stages you do not want to do more than your body is ready for.
Tuesday - Walk for 30 minutes at a comfortable pace. Since this is your first workout, take it nice and easy. Walk at a pace that gets your heart rate up and makes you breath heavier than normal, but you should no be out of breath.
Wednesday - Walk for 30 minutes at a comfortable pace. Same workout as yesterday.
Thursday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and then jog for 30 seconds. Follow that sequence for the entire workout. This is your first taste of running. Do not run for more than 30 seconds at a time. Run at a pace that is fairly comfortable.
Friday - Rest. Let your body recover from its first encounter with running.
Saturday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 30 seconds. This is the same workout as Thursday. Keep your pace comfortable.
Sunday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. You make a slight increase in the jogging interval here. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 1 minute. You will start making consistent increases in the time of your running intervals.
Week 2
Monday - Rest. Every Monday is a rest day in this program.
Tuesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 1 minute. Keep the pace fairly comfortable.
Wednesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. This will be an easy day. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 30 seconds.
Thursday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 1 minute.
Friday - Rest or cross train. Either totally rest or engage in another activity such as biking or swimming.
Saturday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Another increase here. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 2 minutes.
Sunday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 2 minutes.
Week 3
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 3 minutes. Keep the pace nice and easy. If you feel you cannot run for 3 minutes then take some short ( 10 – 15 seconds ) walking breaks in your 3-minute jogging interval.
Wednesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 2 minutes.
Thursday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 3 minutes.
Friday - Rest. If you feel like cross training, go ahead. If you do cross train, keep the intensity level very easy. You want to let your body recover on these rest days.
Saturday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 4 minutes. Another increase today.
Sunday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 4 minutes.
Week 4
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Walk for 30 minutes. You eliminate the running portion for this workout because you have made a lot of increases in the last two weeks. This will give your body a little more rest this week. You will be making increases a bit faster after this workout.
Wednesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 5 minutes. You are now jogging as much as you are walking. Remember to keep the pace fairly comfortable.
Thursday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 5 minutes and jog for 4 minutes. You back off a bit today to recover from yesterday’s harder workout.
Friday - Rest or cross train.
Saturday - Today you will start to decrease the distance of your walking intervals. Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 4 minutes and jog for 5 minutes.
Sunday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 4 minutes and jog for 5 minutes.
Week 5
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. You will make another decrease in your walking interval today. Walk for 3 minutes and jog for 5 minutes.
Wednesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 4 minutes and jog for 5 minutes.
Thursday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 3 minutes and jog for 5 minutes.
Friday - Rest or cross train.
Saturday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Decrease your walking interval to 2 minutes. Walk for 2 minutes and jog for 5 minutes.
Sunday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 2 minutes and jog for 5 minutes.
Week 6
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Decrease your walking interval to 1 minute. Walk for 1 minute and jog for 5 minutes. If at any time you feel you are struggling, back off to the prior week or to a point at which you feel more comfortable. Remember, however, that you must push yourself a bit to make improvements.
Wednesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 2 minutes and jog for 5 minutes.
Thursday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 1 minute and jog for 5 minutes.
Friday - Rest or cross train.
Saturday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Today, you will decrease your walking interval to 30 seconds. Walk for 30 seconds and jog for 5 minutes.
Sunday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 30 seconds and jog for 5 minutes.
Week 7
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Today you are going to try something different. Go to a school track or a trail in your area that you have measured. Warm up with vigorous walking for 10 minutes and then jog 2 x 1 mile repeats. Jog one mile and then walk for 5 minutes. The jog another mile. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking.
Wednesday -Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 30 seconds and jog for 5 minutes.
Thursday - You will extend the distance of your workout today. After a 10-minute warm up, jog for 1.25 miles. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking. You can run almost anywhere. Through your neighborhood; in a park; on a school track; or on a treadmill.
Friday - Rest or cross train.
Saturday - Warm up for 10 minutes. Jog 2 x 1 mile repeats. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking.
Sunday - You will extend your workout again today. Warm up by walking for 10 minutes. Jog for 1.5 miles. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking.
Week 8
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Warm up by walking for 10 minutes. Jog 2 x 1 mile repeats. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking.
Wednesday - Walk/Jog for 30 minutes. Walk for 30 seconds and jog for 5 minutes.
Thursday - Warm up by walking for 10 minutes. Jog for 1.75 miles. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking.
Friday - Rest or cross train.
Saturday - You will do your longest run today. Warm up with 10 minutes of walking. Jog for 2 miles. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking.
Sunday - Extend you run again today if you are feeling up to it. Warm up for 10 minutes. Jog for 2.25 miles. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking. If you are feeling fatigued from yesterdays run, just run 1 mile today.
You have done it! You should now be able to jog comfortably for 2 miles. What you do now is up to you. You can just maintain your new level of fitness by continuing your daily workouts or you can move up to the next level and train to complete a 5K race.
I'm Starting this 6 week Endurance Workout! I'll post it for the Interested.

The Big Easy
This is a very versatile workout that can be used for many purposes, including improving your endurance, building a base of fitness, burning calories and recovering from a hard workout or race. You should perform this workout at a pace that is moderately easy. Run at a pace that is “conversational”. You should be able to speak and carry on a conversation, but you should not be able to sing. If you cannot speak clearly, you are running too fast. If you can sing, you are running too slowly. In most cases, heart rate levels should be around 75% of maximum for this workout. Heart rate levels will fluctuate during all training runs. It is especially common for heart rates to rise during the later stages of a training run. This workout will probably follow that pattern, so do not be surprised to see your heart rate rise to 80% or even a bit higher. This workout is simple to perform. Warm up for 10 minutes and then begin running at your moderately easy running pace.
The Strength Circuit
This workout combines the benefits of an easy run with some general strength training exercises that will begin to build a base of strength that you can improve and develop. This workout is considered an endurance workout because of the low intensity of the running portions, but it is not an easy workout. You will move between the running portions and the strength portions with no rest.
After a warm up, exercise for 35 minutes alternating between easy running and a strength training exercise, using the following routine or a similar routine:
- Run easy for 5 minutes
- Push ups for 30 seconds
- Run easy for 5 minutes
- One leg squats for 30 seconds
- Run easy for 5 minutes
- Triceps press ups for 30 seconds
- Run easy for 5 minutes
- Abdominal crunches for 30 seconds
- Run easy for 5 minutes
- Bench step ups for 30 seconds
- Run easy for 5 minutes
- Biceps curls for 30 seconds
- Cool down for 5 minutes
Descriptions of the strength training exercises are listed below:
- Push ups - Begin face down on the floor, supporting yourself with your hands approximately shoulder width apart and your arms extended. Your feet can be together or up to 12 inches apart. Keep your body in a straight and neutral position. Do not arch your back. Contract your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine. Slowly lower your upper body until your chest touches or nearly touches the floor. Slowly return to the starting position. If you are unable to perform this type of push up, do bent knee pushups, which are the same as the regular pushup, except you are supporting your lower body on your knees instead of your feet.
- One Leg Squats - Stand in an upright position. Contract your abdominal muscles to stabilize your trunk and spine. Place one foot (rear foot) behind you on a bench or step that is 6 to 18 inches high. Your other foot (forward foot) should be flat on the floor and directly under your center of gravity. Bend your forward knee until it is at approximately a 90-degree angle. Do not allow your knee to extend in front of your foot. Slowly straighten your forward leg and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise switching leg positions.
- Triceps press ups - Sit with your back to a bench or step of approximately 18 inches. Place your hands flat on the bench behind you with your elbows pointing directly behind you. Slowly press yourself up until your arms are fully extended. Slowly return to the starting position.
- Abdominal crunches - Lie face up on a mat. Bend your knees and bring your heels close to your hips. Cross your hands over your chest and tuck your chin into your chest. Slowly curl your upper body towards your knees until your shoulder blades leave the floor. This should be a rolling, curling motion. Concentrate on strongly contracting your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for a moment and slowly return to the starting position.
- Bench step ups - Stand in an upright position. Contract your abdominal muscles to stabilize your trunk and spine. Stand directly in front of a bench that is 18 to 24 inches high. Place one foot (lead foot) flat on the bench. With most of your weight on the heel of your lead foot, forcefully push off with your lead foot and assume a standing position with both feet on the bench. Switch leg position and repeat.
- Biceps curls - Stand upright holding a light weight in each hand with your palms facing forward, away from your body. Contract your abdominal muscles to stabilize your trunk and spine. Keep your upper arms against your ribs and perpendicular to the floor. Slowly raise the weight by flexing your arms at your elbows. Keep your upper arms stationary. Raise the weight to the limit of your active and natural motion. Slowly return to the starting position.
6 Week Endurance Building Program
This 6 week endurance building program will increase your fitness and endurance to a level at which you can run for 1 hour without stopping as well as building your strength and burning fat. This program uses the two workouts outlined in this article in addition to rest days.
Week 1
- Monday – The Big Easy - 15 minutes
- Tuesday – The Strength Circuit
- Wednesday – The Big Easy - 20 minutes
- Thursday – The Big Easy - 25 minutes
- Friday – Rest. Let your body recover. Rest is an important part of any training program. It allows your muscles to recover and strengthen
- Saturday – The Strength Circuit
- Sunday – The Big Easy - 30 minutes
Week 2
- Monday – Rest
- Tuesday – The Strength Circuit
- Wednesday – The Big Easy – 30 minutes
- Thursday – The Big Easy – 35 minutes
- Friday – Rest
- Saturday – The Strength Circuit
- Sunday – The Big Easy – 40 minutes
Week 3
- Monday – Rest
- Tuesday – The Strength Circuit
- Wednesday – The Big Easy - 40 minutes
- Thursday – The Big Easy 40 - minutes
- Friday – Rest.
- Saturday – The Strength Circuit
- Sunday – The Big Easy – 45 minutes
Week 4
- Monday – Rest
- Tuesday – The Strength Circuit
- Wednesday – The Big Easy - 40 minutes
- Thursday – The Big Easy - 45 minutes
- Friday – Rest
- Saturday – The Strength Circuit
- Sunday – The Big Easy – 50 minutes
Week 5
- Monday – Rest
- Tuesday – The Strength Circuit
- Wednesday – The Big Easy – 40 minutes
- Thursday – The Big Easy – 45 minutes
- Friday – Rest
- Saturday – The Strength Circuit
- Sunday – The Big Easy – 55 minutes
Week 6
- Monday – Rest
- Tuesday – The Strength Circuit
- Wednesday – The Big Easy – 40 minutes
- Thursday – The Big Easy – 45 minutes
- Friday – Rest
- Saturday – The Strength Circuit
- Sunday – The Big Easy – 60 minutes
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Native "The Black Super Hero" Get Yours I Got Mine!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
This One's Gonna Leave a mark! Dumb Move...Crowley

The commissioner of the Cambridge, Massachusetts, police department said Thursday he "deeply regrets" the arrest of prominent black Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., but stands by the procedures followed by his department.
"I believe that Sgt. [James] Crowley acted in a way that is consistent with his training at the department, and consistent with national standards of law enforcement protocol," Commissioner Robert Haas said, referring to the officer who made the July 16 arrest at the professor's home.
"I do not believe his actions in any way were racially motivated," Haas said at a news conference.
Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after an exchange with the officer, who was investigating a report of a possible break-in at the house.
The police department will create a panel of "independent, notable professionals" to provide an analysis of the incident, he said.
The controversial arrest of Gates was criticized Wednesday by President Obama, who said the Cambridge police department "acted stupidly."
"My response is that this department is deeply pained and takes its professional pride very seriously," Haas said.
Cambridge authorities dropped the charges against Gates on Tuesday.
The commissioner's comments followed a statement earlier Thursday from Crowley, who said he would not apologize for his actions.
Don't Miss
"That apology will never come from me as Jim Crowley. It won't come from me as sergeant in the Cambridge Police Department," Crowley told Boston radio station WEEI. "Whatever anybody else chooses to do in the name of the city of Cambridge or the Cambridge Police Department which are beyond my control, I don't worry about that. I know what I did was right. I have nothing to apologize for."
The mayor of Cambridge said she will meet with the city's police chief to make sure the scenario that caused Gates' arrest does not happen again.
"This suggests that something happened that should not have happened," E. Denise Simmons, Cambridge's mayor said on CNN's "American Morning." "The situation is certainly unfortunate. This can't happen again in Cambridge."
Obama defended Gates Wednesday night, while admitting that he may be "a little biased," because Gates is a friend.
"But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, No. 3 ... that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."
The incident, Obama said, shows "how race remains a factor in this society."
Crowley also said he is exercising caution and his previous actions clearly show he is not a racist.
In fact, Crowley taught a racial profiling course at the Lowell Police Academy, said Deborah Friedl, deputy superintendent of the police department.
Last year was his fifth year as a co-instructor of the course, Friedl said.
"He seems to be a highly regarded instructor at the academy. He consistently received high praise from students," she said.
Gates told CNN Wednesday that although charges had been dropped, he will keep the issue alive.
"This is not about me; this is about the vulnerability of black men in America," Gates told CNN's Soledad O'Brien.
Gates said the Cambridge mayor had called him to apologize about the incident. Simmons, Cambridge's first black female mayor, confirmed to CNN that she apologized to Gates.
Gates said he'd be prepared to forgive the arresting officer "if he told the truth" about what the director of Harvard's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research said were "fabrications" in the police report.
Crowley wrote in the Cambridge police report that Gates refused to step outside to speak with him, and when Crowley told Gates that he was investigating a possible break-in, Gates opened the front door and exclaimed, "Why, because I'm a black man in America?"
The report said Gates initially refused to show the officer identification, but eventually produced a Harvard identification card, prompting Crowley to radio for Harvard University Police.
"While I was led to believe that Gates was lawfully in the residence, I was quite surprised and confused with the behavior he exhibited toward me," Crowley said, according to the report.
Gates was arrested for "loud and tumultuous behavior in a public space" and was released from police custody after spending four hours at the police station.
He said Wednesday that he and his lawyers were considering further actions, not excluding a lawsuit.
Gates said that although the ordeal had upset him, "I would do the same thing exactly again.
The Coward Speaks! Another White Sheet Exposed!

Sgt. James Crowley, the police officer who arrested Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home, spoke out today on local talk radio, The Dennis and Callahan Morning Show. Here’s some of what he had to say:
The reason I asked the professor to come outside was not, as some would suggest, because I knew I couldn’t arrest him in his house. I didn’t know who he was. I was by myself. I was the only police officer standing there and I got a report that were people breaking into a house. That was for my safety, because first and foremost, I have to go home at night. I have three beautiful children and a wife who depend on me. So I had no other motive other than to ensure my safety. This gentleman could either have been one of the people breaking in or he could’ve been the homeowner that was unaware that there were people his house unauthorized. I just didn’t know.
… That apology will ever come from me as Jim Crowley; it won’t come from me as sergeant of the Cambridge Police Department. Whatever anybody else chooses to do in the name of the city of Cambridge or the Cambridge Police Department is beyond my control. I know what I did was right. I have nothing to apologize for…
…The second question is, “is there anybody in the home with you?” And again, my reasoning is not to get into his personal business, but he may not know that there are people broke into his house. I wanted know, is there anybody else here, are you here by yourself? And again, outward appearances, when I first laid eyes on the professor, to me, in my mind, I’m thinking, he doesn’t look like somebody who would break into a house. I wasn’t certain. But his responses to my routine inquiry about, “could you step outside and talk to me?” My inquiry about, “is there anybody else in the residence?” The way – not just what he said to me, but the tone in which he said – just seemed very peculiar. Even more so now they know how educated he is.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Louisville Mayor Makes Racial Remark...........
After I heard it once on the news, it wasn't mentioned anymore. Way to cover this up, News channels in Louisville. While speaking to West Virginians about Louisville's merger he made the comment" We were getting Poorer, Blacker, and Older " We know how rasist West Virginia is, I guess he felt comfortable saying that in front of a bunch of hillbillys. I'd like to know what he meant by the statement. It seems like everytime you turn around there's one exposed! Thanks for letting us know after all these years Jerry Abramson. We'll see you when you run for Lt.Gov. 32 still has it on their website. Don't want to misreport, WLKY is usually pretty fair in their reporting
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I Love You, Granny.......
'Twas her thinking of others that ![]() made you think of her. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
Old John is at it again!

"In North Carolina, they used stimulus money to hire one new state worker. His job, apply for more stimulus funds from the taxpayers by the way of the federal government." Here's another Wopper. "In Wisconsin, the stimulus paid for a bridge to a bar called Rusty's Backwater Saloon. They've got great burgers, but no new jobs." He's one of the biggest liars we've ever seen.
Ann Coulter: Liar,Liar
"Obama's Justice-designate Sotomayor threw out (the New Haven firefighters') lawsuit in a sneaky, unsigned opinion -- the judicial equivalent of 'talk to the hand.'" Wow What a Wopper, Judge Sotomayor still got it in the bag.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Gay is not the new Black

Monday, July 13, 2009
Racists Uncovered page1
We Laugh in their faces, as they quickly replace us
and even mace us! Water Hoses and dogs have turned to lies and fraud, they inslaved us is all, and treated us really wrong, I'll fight til the death for my respect best bet, No whippings nor lynchings for the tide has turned, Never in a million years would I've thought I'd see our turn. Thank You.

My letter to Bill O'Riley; I was flipping threw the channels and I saw Al Sharpten on your show, so I watched for the time he was on. I am not a supporter of you or your views. When I put you, rush and sen. dick together I see three racists that are trying to cover up who they really are. Michael Jackson's Iconic status comes from all his humanitarian efforts. Which is another record he holds. You guys just seem to have it out for Obama since he won. Pretty much everyone you have on your show are racists and agree with you on everything. I just wish you guys were Men, and could say you're racists. I can respect that, because I know where we stand. Rush is the closest one to being that guy. I can almost respect him, because I know he doesn't like anyone outside his race. If the rest of you come on up to speed we can have a race war and settle our differences. Be very careful how you report on MJ, it may ruin you. He has way more supporters then you. Thanks for your time, and see if you and the good ol' boys can catch up to rush so we can get this racist mess out of the way. I don't hate anyone, but I HATE YOU BILL! Wanda Sykes was joking, but she hit everything right on the nose and that ruffled some feathers. She just said what everyone was thinking, and if it was funny the President can laugh without it hurting him. You've been pitching that statement since that day. You're very unfair and I know you don't care, just thought I'd let you know. THE Presley thing really ate you up I know, Elvis too. Michael Jackson was on someones list to be ruined, and it was evident. It's funny when Michael called Tommy Mitolla a racist on t.v. that's when all these fake molestation cases came about. I believe he was to be ruined and thrown in jail, which would have killed him and they know that. They took the thing he cared about the most and turned it against him, and made him out of a Monster. You have a show that only talks about what you want. What about the Ludicrise thing? You thought you were going to ruin him, that didn't work either. I'm just saying if were always going to be on different sides of these story's, you on the white side and me on the Black side why don't we just say we Hate each other and let everyone knock heads. You don't want that either, but you want to use your show to down my race and lie with false reports that everyone See's threw. You're the Devil himself.